Friday, January 5, 2018

RunCPA Affiliate Network Review – The Bitcoin CPA Network

RunCPA Affiliate Review - Bitcoin CPA Network

What Is It?

RunCPA is bitcoin CPA affiliate network. It allows you to earn commissions in Bitcoin. And ONLY Bitcoin. Pretty sweet right! Unlike many other affiliate and CPA networks, it uses Blockchain technology for payment. As opposed to something like Paypal, which would issue a 1099 (for Americans) at the end f the year.

For now, all that is needed to be paid is a bitcoin wallet. As far as I know, it is worlds first bitcoin CPA network. There is another network called CoinBucks, but I'm not familiar very with it.

The coolest thing about it is that it is completely anonymous. All that is needed to create an account is an email address, a bitcoin wallet, and a bitcoin address. It is NOT tied to your social security number or another form of identification. So the assumption is that, for Americans, you would not get a Form-1099 sent to you at the end of the year.

I was able to create an account in a few minutes using my Google Account. They also accept:


Another key benefit is that your country of origin is no longer an issue. Many marketers are not able to join certain CPA networks because their country is prohibited by PayPal.

They also except traffic for all sources. Which is usual. This is not an invite to SPAM, but it seems they are pretty lenient as to where you advertise their offers. I refer to their FAQ's for more information on what they consider fraudulent. But in their words...

"We accept all traffic types except fraudulent and incentivized traffic."

RunCPA Key Benefits:

  1. Instant payouts
  2. Bitcoin payouts
  3. Combined payouts. Per click, per lead, per sale and lifetime revenue shares.
  4. Bonus payouts. Extra bonuses for trusted affiliates.
  5. Well-known and trustworthy network
  6. All kinds of traffic are accepted.
  7. Fully anonymous network. Only e-mail required to qualify.
  8. Exclusive and reliable offers with highest commissions.
  9. Ads Rotator - Perfect for Bloggers - Rotate Various Offers using one HTML code snippet
  10. Extra Bonuses for Top Affiliates

What Types of Bitcoin CPA Offers Do They Have?

  • Bitcoin Wallets
  • Bitcoin Exchange
  • ICOS
  • VPN's
  • Bitcoin Debit Cards
  • Bitcoin Trading Platforms
runcpa banner image

How and When Do I Get Paid?

As with most CPA networks, you'll be paid on a per lead AND per sale basis. I particularly enjoy CPA marketing because sometimes I'll get paid for a simple email submit, or trial offer and not necessarily a sale. Another bonus is that I can get paid INSTANTLY and according to their site, the Minimum payout is 0.05 BTC.

Here is an excerpt from their site:

The following conversion types are available:
  • CPL (Cost Per Lead) – you pay for each registration,
  • CPA (Cost Per Action) – you pay for each custom useful action,
  • CPS (Cost Per Sale) – you pay for each sale,
  • RS (Revenue Share) – you share a certain part of revenue with webmasters who provide you with clients.

What about the RunCPA Referral Program?

Now we get to the juicy part. RunCPA allows you to earn bitcoins for referrals. As of this writing, there is a 50% LIFETIME Rev Share. Meaning, if I refer you and you earn $50 next month, I make $25, which can be pretty easy recurring income. Which is awesome if you're a marketer that:

  1. Has a huge list
  2. Is already into Crypto
  3. Have a Crypto Youtube Channel
  4. Have a Crypto Blog
  5. Is a PRO at running traffic

Other Cool Features

They run a monthly contest and will pay $100 for the best content promoting RunCPA. So you can create a Youtube video, a blog post, a review, a tutorial, a Slideshare, an e-book, a how-to guide, or an affiliate strategy review. 

Is RunCPA a Scam??

Well, like all CPA networks, due-diligence is needed to make sure that they are actually paying their affiliates. I refer you to both the and reviews to make your own decision. They both give it about a 5-star rating. Which is pretty dang good!

Affpaying RunCPA review screenshot

How to Contact Them

Affiliate Manager: Jim Sanders

Skype: jimruncpa

Telephone : +44 203 514 80 50

Click Here To JOIN RunCPA Here And Start Earning Bitcoin

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